It’s About Time!

The highlight of our day was definitely that we finally found the clock. Anja was thrilled that Nancy found it at the old woman’s home, but Yianni wasn’t sure what it was going to do to help Nancy solve the mystery. Sokrates and Paolo discussed what they thought the clock would mean later, but they just couldn’t settle on anything. The whole class agreed, however, that the clock was important, since it was on the cover, but they aren’t sure how it is related to the will Nancy is looking for.

We had a blast with the marble ramps, which are getting far more complex than they were last year. Rebecca, Max, and Teddy all worked together to build a giant ramp and then designed a tray to catch the marbles. They even troubleshot it when the tray moved and wouldn’t catch all of the marbles. It certainly made an impression, as they had to show Timo how it worked, which inspired him to build his own marble track.

You might notice some paint in hair tonight, and that’s my fault. Since it was our last day with the standard paint, I wanted to do something different, so we painted on the underside of the table. Tove explained that we needed to keep our mouths shut, otherwise we might end up eating paint. Gia and Niki added that the goggles would keep it out of their eyes, which was very important, judging by how messy the goggles were at the end. I am sad to be done with the traditional paint, but I’m excited to see how the new paint works next week!

Picture day forms were sent home today, so make sure to pull them out of backpacks, along with artwork from the week. Have a great weekend everyone!

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