Following our own stars

I’m sure eventually I’ll get used to the class being amazing mathematicians; it isn’t today. Sokrates asked about the problem of the day as soon as he walked in, so here we go. Timo had $10 to spend on presents, spent $2 on his mom, $3 on his dad, and is spending the rest on Vago. Max counted on his fingers and used a white board, while Timo figured out he could represent the problem by solving 10-2-3. Gia admitted that she didn’t get it, but she checked in with Tove and Rebecca who walked her through their work. After watching them, Gia did her own work on a board and announced that now she got it. After everyone decided that Timo had $5 left, the bonus asked how many $2 books Timo could buy for Vago. Sokrates was torn, but he was sure it couldn’t be two books, because then he would have money left over, but Yianni argued that he wouldn’t be able to get another book for just a dollar, so he must have only got 2 books. This was another fascinating discussion that really got the whole class thinking. Great job everyone!

We also solved another mystery today (which makes us 3/3 this week). What was especially exciting was that Anja noticed in the picture that the bag of peanuts should had writing on it that started with Ps, and Niki reminded us that it should have said “Fall Festival”, so we knew that he was the pickpocket. With that in mind, Tove decided to draw the “Plenty Peanuts” bag, since it was our most important clue.

We wrapped up our day with a discussion and reading of “The North Star” by Peter H. Reynolds with Ms. Anna W’s class. It was a fantastically beautiful book that we will be working around for a while. As a start to our exploration, we read about the constellations in the book and decided to make our own out of things we love and would follow on our path. Juniper and Barry worked together to make a star field full of Pisces and a flying unicorn. Paolo used a book from our classroom library to get ideas for constellations that are in the night sky. I can’t wait to talk more about this book tomorrow!

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