Diving Deep

Today had a lot of great learning (plays, painting, water predictions and analysis, discussion of how entrenched sexism affects the children’s book market), but I wanted to dive deep into one part of our day to give a full picture of the discussions we’re having. Today, we looked at this painting. We started with just seeing what people noticed. Yianni noticed someone hanging upside down, which he thought might have been a way to make people laugh. Tove wondered if people were fighting, while Juniper saw someone falling. Anja saw something that looked like a hula hoop, while Sokrates noticed the people making food (it was right before lunch time). That was when, however, I revealed that the title of the painting was “Children’s Games” and saw how that changed our understanding of the painting. Gia explained that she thought she saw a baby, but now she thought it might be a doll instead. Max figured out that people were doing handstands and playing something like hockey. Teddy saw people riding each other’s backs and Rebecca realized people were playing catch. We went from that to interpreting what we saw, like Tove wondering if it was a picture outside a school, since there were all the kids hanging out. Timo wondered if it was a long time ago, since there were all old games. Niki pointed out that the buildings were old too. Paolo clarified, saying it was older than now, but newer than Ancient Greece, so like 500 years ago or something (a really great guess, as it turns out). Love the depth of conversation everyone! Have a great weekend and see everyone next week!

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