Curious Wednesday 09-27-17

Our read aloud was incredibly exhilarating today. The Vikings attempted to scare the Sea Dragon away by yelling at it, but it just ripped the clothes off the loudest Viking, throw him across the village, and light the fleet of ships on fire. Hiccup decided he’d go and talk to the dragon, but only so he would be allowed back in the Tribe. As you can imagine, a lot of our pictures today featured Gobber flying the through the air and the shouting match. Our two new words from the story, ‘stark-naked’ and ‘trembling’ got used a lot in our conversations today and even in our illustration dictations! We’re getting better at inferring and describing the emotional states of characters, which will make us far better readers.

Our explorations today was quite multi-faceted. We painted again today, but this time we used crumpled paper to help us. Tove realized that, if she painted on one of the dented in parts of the paper, it wouldn’t transfer to the canvas. Niki and Jerome were interested in how different it was to stamp with the construction paper and the tissue paper. In our volume explorations, we once again had to help Mr. Chris when he got interrupted. Timo measured on his own and predicted it would take 3 more cups to fill it. He was right, but Sokrates got a different answer when he tried it. Sokrates theorized that maybe the cups held different amounts, so he checked it by pouring one cup into another; they all filled to the same amount, so he realized he must have spilled some water. We’re finally getting a hold of how measurements can be broken down into the units. Our physics investigation was pretty open ended, as we tried to build different structures. Anja and Niki managed to build a castle bigger than they were!

Two quick housekeeping notes. One, the students are really enjoying their Greek class and getting ready for the program. Ms. Eleni wanted me to link the video they are working on as a class: . Also, book orders are being sent out this Friday. If you don’t have the form, feel free to use the link on the right side to place your order. If you have any questions or concerns, text or call me before Friday!

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