Deadly winks 3-12-18

It was a sad to have our last day together this term. Thankfully, we had a blast! Our warm up game was Deadly Winks, where there was one ‘killer’ hiding in the class which could paralyze a classmate with a wink while the detective sat in the middle. This might sound like a wild game, but it was good practice for them to be patient, since the detective would catch you if they saw you winking, as well as observation and a little acting skills. Kosmas was thrilled that he was sneaky enough to paralyze everyone before the detective caught me. When he was the detective, he thought ‘Sokrates is trying to frame someone by calling them a killer, so it must be him!’, an interesting bit of reasoning. Our other big improv game today was ‘Boom Chicka Boom’, where we would each say that phrase in our goofiest accents; we had robots, alien voices, and even super speedy voices!

Since we only had one more session together, we did a little mini adventure involving an old woman that had her jewels stolen by a dragon. The class realized it was important what kind of dragon it was and found out it was a black rock dragon. He reasoned that, since it was a rock dragon, it would probably be in a cave, which gave the class a place to start looking. Kosmas pretended to be a gold statue to lure out the dragon, but it didn’t work very well. Neither did Gia’s plan to dress up as a dragon and tell the dragon to come and talk to her. Thankfully, Barry realized, since it liked rocks, a mineral and rock collection would probably lure it out better than gold. It worked! After a thrilling chase, the class managed to reach the dragon’s lair. Sokrates used his gecko and chameleon powers to sneak in and hide on the ceiling, while Kosmas rolled an 11 to play a great game of ‘Red Light, Green Light’ with the dragon to sneak in as a diamond statue. Once they were in, they tried to defeat the dragon, with smoke bombs flying ever. Thanks to a good roll, Luca managed to tie up the dragon, but Robbie thought a 9 wouldn’t be good enough to tie it up completely, so one claw would still be loose. After numbing the last claw with novocaine, the police arrived and thanked our heroes for their service with a gold coin. It is great to end the class with a win.

If there is sufficient interest, I will be teaching this class again next term. Have a great night and see everyone around!


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