Gone Running

Today was an absolutely beautiful day to be in Room 3. Some of the class started by using their free time before school to write their own books, which they continued working on throughout the day. Timo wrote his own story about a giant waffle (it explodes), while Gia was inspired by the new additions to our class and wrote a non-fiction book about butterflies. Anja enjoyed making a rhyming book, which turned out pretty funny. Paolo and Yianni realized that they could make copies of their library books and then never have to return them, so that’s going pretty well! Great creative work everyone.

Our explorations today were pretty neat. We painted our canopic jars, which was an interesting challenge. Niki realized she could hold them inside so it wouldn’t get on her fingers, while Juniper struggled making the paint not smeary. The class also discussed the races I’m running this weekend (Ragnar relay and Chicago Half Marathon) and looked over the gear I packed for the races. Teddy made sure that I wouldn’t see the card he made to encourage me, while Max made sure I used my good shoes on my longest race, since it would be the hardest. Rebecca wondered why everything was in separate bags (I’m a bit of an organization junkie when it comes to preparing). Taking what we had talked about before, Sokrates wondered how many laps I would be running around the playground (140 laps or so). I’m super excited to do this race and see everyone next week!

I know some people were confused about the pledgathon and a typo didn’t help with that. The walkathon is NEXT THURSDAY, MAY 23rd. On the sheets, please record the person that is making the donation, the amount they are donating per lap (our goal is 16 laps) OR if they are making a flat donation. They do not need to give you money at that time. Then, send the sheet back in next Thursday. After the walk, we will send the sheet back home with an envelope to collect the pledges. If you have ANY questions, feel free to reach out. Thanks for all you have done to help bring water to West Africa!

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